Utilizes specific strokes, stretches, and trigger points to help athletes of all types--from weekend warriors (novices) to pros--reach maximum performance and physical conditioning. Power, endurance, and mobility are increased. |
Stretches connective tissues, improving circulation and nutrition, and breaks down or prevents the formation of adhesions and reduces the danger of fibrosis. Helps prevent or delay muscular atrophy resulting from forced inactivity. |
Provides support in a time of transition. Helps to develop sensory awareness to prepare for the experience of labor. |
Hot and Cold Stone
A deep relaxing treatment for muscles using warmed and iced stones. |
Stimulation to over 7200 nerve reflexes in each foot, corresponding to all parts of the body. Includes organs and glands, which is intended to eliminate energy blockages thought to produce pain or disease in the related areas. |
Aromatherapy uses pure aromatic plant oils to revitalize and restore even the most tired of bodies. All aromatherapy treatments include Scandinavian dry body brushing to smooth and stimulate the entire skin surface. Soothing lymph drainage and acupressure massage techniques combined with personalized essential oils, detoxify, reduce stress, and restore balance to a person as a whole. |
Reiki/Energy Balance
Based on the principles of chi, or univeral life energy. The therpaidt's hands are gently placed over the head, chest, abdomen, and back, producing a calming and nurturing effect. Wear light, loose=fitting clothing for this service. |
Stretches connective tissues, improving circulation and nutrition, and breaks down or prevents the formation of adhesions and reduces the danger of fibrosis. Helps prevent or delay muscular atrophy resulting from forced inactivity. |
Body Walking Thai
Using slow, gentle rocking movements, the therapist applies compressions with thumbs, palms, elbow, knees and feet to harmonize vital life energies. Sometimes described as "stretching massage" this treatment leaves you relaxed yet energized and more flexible. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing. |
Thai Foot Massage
Thai Foot Massage is a massage of the lower legs and feet that involves hands on stretching and massage, along with the use of a stick to stimulate the reflex points on the feet which correspond to the internal organs of the body. Thai Foot Massage stimulates these points to promote general health and well-being. |
Fascial Stretch Therapy
Is a unique system of therapies and training using a custom table that dramatically improves flexibility by lengthening your fascia (the connective tissue that surrounds all structures of your body). This therapy specializes in treating clients that are dealing with poor posture, injury- due to sports or accident, recovery from surgery, disease, and over training. |
In this active, thythmic Oriental technique, the therapist uses thumbs, fingers, and palms to stimiulate acupressure points on the body. Pressure is applied along meridians and acupoints to tone, sedate, and balance Ying and Yang. |

A gentle massage on the Lymphatic areas. This massage pumps the lymphatic system which helps release toxins. |

Corporate Massage
Our highly trained therapist come to you at you're place of business. |

Couples Massage
A couples massage room is available upon request. |

Also Available:
- Thai
- Cranial Sacral
- In-home Services